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Források a cikkekhez

  1. Kínai Tanulmány. T. Colin Campbell, PhD, Thomas M. Campbell, MD (2012).
  2. A naturally occuring opiod peptide from cow’s milk, beta-casomorphine-7, is a derict histamine releaser in man. nternatuonal Archives of Allergy and Immunology. M.Kurek, B.Przybilla, K.Hermann, J.Ring (1992)
  3. Diet and Sebum Choleserol in Man: Lack of effect of dietary cholesterol. Angel Keys, J..T.Anderson, Olaf Mickelsen, ’Sadye F.Aelson, Flaminio Fidanza (1955)
  4. Calcium supplemention and bone mineral density in females from childhood to young adulthood: a randomized controlled trial. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. V.Markovic, P.K.Goel, N.E.Badenshop-Stevens, J.D.Landoll, B.Li, J.Z.Ilich, M.Skurgor, L.A.Nagode, S.L.Mobley, E.J.Ha, T.N.Hangartner, A.Clairmint (2005)
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  6. Milk consumption during teenage years and risk of hip fractures in older adults. D.Feskanich, H.A.Bischoff-Ferrari, A.L.Frazier, W.C.Willet (2014)
  7. A review of methionine dependency and the role of methionine restriction in cencer growth control and life-span extension. Cancer Treatment Reviews. P. Cavuoto, M.F. Fenech (2012)
  8. Insulin Resistance, Obesity and Lipotoxicity. Advances in experomental medicine and biology. D. Yazici, H. Sezer (2017)
  9. Fatty acids and glucolipotoxicity in the pathogenesis of Type 2 diabetes. Biochemical Society Transactions. M. Cnop (2008)
  1. The Truth about High-Protein Diets. Physicians Committe For Responsible Medicine (2004)
  2. Nutrient profiles of vegetarian and ninvegetarian dietary patterns. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. N.S.Rizzo, K.Jaceldo-Siegl, J.Sabate, G.E.Fraser (2013)
  3. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the nutrient content of preterm and term breast milk. Dominica A. Gidrewicz, Tanis R. Frenton (2014)
  4. Nutrition and the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Hu N., Yu J.T., Tan L., Wang Y.L., Sun L., Tan L. (2013)
  5. Is meat killing us? The Journal of the American Osteopaathic Association. Heather Fields, Denise Millstine, Neera Agrwal, Lisa Marks (2016)
  6. Cardiovascular Disease Mortality and Cancer Incidence in Vegetarians: A meat-analysis and Systematic Review. Annals of Nutrition &Metabolism. T. Huang, B. Yang, J. Zheng, G. Li, M. L. Wahlqvist, D. Li (2012)
  7. Total cholesterol and cancer risk in a large prospective study in Korea. Journal of Clinical Oncology. C.M. Kithara, A. Berrington de González, N.D. Freedman, R. Huxley, Y. Mok, S.H. Jee, J.M. Samet (2011)
  8. Twenty questions on atherosclerosis. Proceedings/Baylor University Medical Center. W.C. Roberts (2000)
  9. Vegetarian diets and the incidence of cancer in low-risk population. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. Y. Tantamango-Bartley, K. Jaceldo-Siegl, J. Fan, G. Fraser (2013)
  10. Whole-foods, plantbased diet alleviates the símptoms of osteoarthritis. C.M. Clinton, S. O’Brien, J. Law, C.M.Renier, M.R. Wendt (2015)
  11. https://www.who.int/en/news-room/detail/16-11-2015-who-multi-country-survey-reveals-widespread-public-misunderstanding-about-antibiotic-resistance
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  4. Dietary cholesterol intake and cancer. J.Hu, C.La Vecchia, M. de Groh, E. Negri, H.Morrison & L.Mery the Canadian Cacer Registries Epidemiology Research Group (2011)
  5. Associations between unprocessed red and processed meat, poultry, seafood and egg intake and risk of prostate cancer: A pooled analysis of 15 prospective cohort studies. K. Wu, D.Spoegelman, T.Hou, D. Alborus, N.E. Allen, S.I. Berndt, Piet A. van den Brandt, G.G. Giles, E. Giovanucci, R.A. Goldbohm, G.G. Goodman, P.J. Goodman, N. Hakansson, M. Innove, T.J. Key, L.N. Kolonel, S.Mannistö, M.L. McCullough, M.L. Neuhouser, Y. Park, E.A. Platz, J.M. Schenk, R. Sinha, M.J. Stampfer, N.L. Stevens, S.Tsugane, K.Visvanathan, L.R. Wilkens, A. Wolk, R.G. Ziegler, S.A. Smith-Warner
  6. Egg consumption is associated with increased risk of ovarian cancer: Evidence from a meta-analysis of observationa studies. Sai-tian Zeng, Liang Guo, Shi-kai Lin, Dong-hui Wang, Jie Xi, Ding Huang, Dan-tong Lin, Jie-fan Gao, Jing Feng, Liang Zhang (2014)
  7. Egg intake and cancer of the breast, ovary and prostate: a dose-response meta-analysis of prospective observational studies. N.Keum, D.H. Lee, N. Marchand, H. Oh, H. Lin, D. Aune, D.C. Greenwood and E. L. Giovanucci
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  2. Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids and Prostate Cancer Risk in the Select Trial. T.M. Brasky, A.K. Darke, X. Song, C.M. Tangen, P.J. Goodman, I.M. Thompson, F.L. Meyskens Jr., G.E. Goodman, L.M. Minasian, H.L. Parnes, E.A. Klein, A.R. Kristal
  3. Organochlorines and Risk of Prostate Cancer. Justine M. Ritchie, Acott L.Viat, Laurence J. Fuortes, Haijun Guo, Victoria E. Reedy, Elaine M. Smith
  4. Levels of Dioxins, Dibenzofurans, PCB and DDE Congeners in Pooled Food Samples Collected in 1995 at Supermarkets Across the U.S. A. Schecter, P. Cramer, K.Boggess, J. Stanley, J.R. Olson
  5. A meta-analysis of omega-3 Fatty Acids and Incidence of Atrial Fibrillation. Owais Khawaja, J. Michael Gaziano, Luc Djoussé (2013)
  6. The effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on cardiac rhythm: A critical reassessment. George E. Billman
  7. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrtion. Report of an expert consultation.
  8. Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Dietary Fatty Acids for Healthy Adults. G.Vannice, H. Rasmussen
  9. Long-Chain omega-3 fatty acids: Time to establish a dietary reference intake. M.R. Flak, W.S.Harris, P.M. Kris-Etherton
  10. Omea-3 Dietary Supplements and the risk of Cardiovascular Event: A systematic review. P.E. Marik, J. Varon
  11. Environmental pollutants: downgrading the fish food stock affects chronic disease risk. D.R. Jacobs Jr., J.Ruzzin, D.H. Lee
  12. Dietary exposure to polychlorinated diphenyls is associated with increased risk of stroke in women. C. Bergkvist, M. Kippler, S.C.Larsson, M.Berlund, A.Glynn, A.Wolk, A.Akesson.
  13. Fish Consumption,Dietary Long-Chain-3 Fatty Acids and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes. Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. A.Wallin, D. Di Giuseppe, N. Orsini, P.S. Patel, N.G. Foronni, A.Wolk (2012)
  14. Bioavailability and Potential Uses of Vegetarian Sources of Omega-3 Fatty Acids: A review of the literature. K.Lane, E. Derbyshire, W. Li, C. Brennan (2014)


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